1,415 research outputs found

    Trace-level reuse

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    Trace-level reuse is based on the observation that some traces (dynamic sequences of instructions) are frequently repeated during the execution of a program, and in many cases, the instructions that make up such traces have the same source operand values. The execution of such traces will obviously produce the same outcome and thus, their execution can be skipped if the processor records the outcome of previous executions. This paper presents an analysis of the performance potential of trace-level reuse and discusses a preliminary realistic implementation. Like instruction-level reuse, trace-level reuse can improve performance by decreasing resource contention and the latency of some instructions. However, we show that trace-level reuse is more effective than instruction-level reuse because the former can avoid fetching the instructions of reused traces. This has two important benefits: it reduces the fetch bandwidth requirements, and it increases the effective instruction window size since these instructions do not occupy window entries. Moreover, trace-level reuse can compute all at once the result of a chain of dependent instructions, which may allow the processor to avoid the serialization caused by data dependences and thus, to potentially exceed the dataflow limit.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Trace-level speculative multithreaded architecture

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    This paper presents a novel microarchitecture to exploit trace-level speculation by means of two threads working cooperatively in a speculative and non-speculative way respectively. The architecture presents two main benefits: (a) no significant penalties are introduced in the presence of a misspeculation and (b) any type of trace predictor can work together with this proposal. In this way, aggressive trace predictors can be incorporated since misspeculations do not introduce significant penalties. We describe in detail TSMA (trace-level speculative multithreaded architecture) and present initial results to show the benefits of this proposal. We show how simple trace predictors achieve significant speed-up in the majority of cases. Results of a simple trace speculation mechanism show an average speed-up of 16%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Compiler analysis for trace-level speculative multithreaded architectures

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    Trace-level speculative multithreaded processors exploit trace-level speculation by means of two threads working cooperatively. One thread, called the speculative thread, executes instructions ahead of the other by speculating on the result of several traces. The other thread executes speculated traces and verifies the speculation made by the first thread. In this paper, we propose a static program analysis for identifying candidate traces to be speculated. This approach identifies large regions of code whose live-output values may be successfully predicted. We present several heuristics to determine the best opportunities for dynamic speculation, based on compiler analysis and program profiling information. Simulation results show that the proposed trace recognition techniques achieve on average a speed-up close to 38% for a collection of SPEC2000 benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La protesta campesina como protesta ambiental, siglos XVIII-XX

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    This article analyses peasant conflicts from an environmental perspective. First, we show a general theory about environmental conflicts making a clear differentiation among environmental conflicts making a clear differentiation among environmental, environmentalist and green movement conflicts. This differentiation is accomplished using as criterion the goals of the actors in relation to both the agroecosystems sustainability and the types of discourses used in the protests. Second, we analyse the peasant use of agroecosystems and the differences between agricultural systems based on organic energy in contrast with those based on fossil energy. Finally, we identify several types of peasant environmental conflicts between 18th and 20th centuries: environmental peasant protests in Mediterranean Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa; conflicts produced around resources like water, common goods or against pollution, Land Reform, reactions to environmental policies or defence of indigenous territories. As these examples show, attention must be paid to the environmental dimension of the peasant protest in order to understand the conflicts, although sometimes mixed with gender and class dimensions

    «El Pacto Andaluz por la Naturaleza» (1985). La confluencia del movimiento campesino y el movimiento ecologista.

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    En los últimos años se ha desarrollado un importante debate en la Historia Ambiental acerca de lar elación entre campesinado y ecologismo, especialmente a partir de la propuesta de Guha y Martínez Alier (1997) de un Ecologismo Popular y de las críticas al mismo. En este artículo pretendemos profundizar en estas ideas a partir del análisis de la gestación y desarrollo de una de las primeras iniciativas del movimiento ecologista en España, e lPacto Andaluz por la Naturaleza, de 1985-1986.Esta iniciativa surgió de la confluencia de numerosas organizaciones ecologistas con el movimiento jornalero que representaba el Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (SOC) en la defensa de una gestión sostenible del bosque. Estas movilizaciones tuvieron como resultado la aprobación del Plan Forestal Andaluz en 1989 y la introducción, por la vía de la reclamación de mayor empleo, de valores ecologistas que venían a superar las concepciones conservacionistas hasta entonces asociadas con el ambientalismo. Esta es la historia de la confluencia entre un viejo movimiento en vías de extinción, el movimiento jornalero, y un nuevo movimiento social, el ecologista. El resultado es un buen ejemplo de la complejidad y capacidad de transformación del conflicto social.In recent years there has been an intensive debate on the relationship between peasantry and environmentalism in Environmental History. The starting point was the controversial definition of Popular Environmentalism by Ramachandra Guha and Martínez Alier (1997). In the present article we focus on these ideas through the analysis of a specific social movement, the «Andalusian Agreement for Nature» (Pacto Andaluz por la Naturaleza, 1985/1986), one of the first expressions of the Spanish green movement. The interesting feature lies in its origin. This green movement, claiming for a new sustainable use of forests, arose from the confluence of several environmentalist organizations and the traditional Peasant Union (Sindicato de Obreros del Campo). The struggles achieved a new Forest Policy (1989) adopted by the regional government, introducing new ecological values in the population beyond the traditional conservationist conception of environmentalism.This is the history of the confluence of an Old Social Movement, the peasant movement, and a New Social Movement, the green one. We consider this to be a good example for understanding the complexity and the auto‐transformation capacity of the social conflict

    Culture, sexuality and youth: experience of our young people in London

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    Se ha realizado un estudio etnográfico para saber cómo los jóvenes almerienses (con unas edades comprendidas entre 20-24 años) viven su sexualidad en Londres. Nos interesa específicamente obtener información sobre los choques culturales que han experimentado a nivel social y sexual debido a la convivencia con otros grupos culturales y con la población autóctona, también los cambios que se han producido en su identidad cultural tras su experiencia en Londres, y por último, cómo el contacto con otros grupos culturales ha influenciado en su relaciones afectivas, y en definitiva, en su sexualidad. Para esta finalidad, la investigación se ha desarrollado en dos etapas, la primera, tiene lugar en Almería y se seleccionan jóvenes que han estado trabajando o estudiando en Londres durante más de un año y que han regresado a España, la segunda y última fase, se desenvuelve en el propio contexto de la vida diaria de los jóvenes almerienses en Londres, exactamente en una residencia de estudiantes extranjeros y autóctonos. La recogida de información se ha llevado a cabo mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas, grupos de discusión y observación participante.An ethnographical research has been carried out in order to learn how youth from Almeria (aged from 20 to 24 years old) live their sexuality in London. We are specifically interested in getting information regarding cultural shocks that these youth have experienced in a social and sexual level due to the coexistence with people from different cultures including native population. We are also interested in discovering which changes, if any, have suffered their own cultural identity after the time passed in London. Lastly, we want to know if the contact with people from other cultures has any kind of influence over their affective and sexual relations. This research have been carried out in two stages. In the first of them, performed in Almeria, youth who have been working or studying in London for more of one year and who are back in Spain are recruited for study purposes. The second stage take place in the context of the normal day to day of these Spanish youth in London, specifically in a residence for native and foreigner students. The information was gathered trough semistructured interviews, discussion groups and intervening observation

    Beliefs and Practices of Economics Teachers Concerning the Use of Curriculum Materials: An Exploratory Analysis

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    La incorporación de las enseñanzas económicas a los estudios preuniversitarios requiere configurar una didáctica específica que fundamente la formación inicial y continua de sus docentes. Este trabajo realiza una aportación a esa labor analizando las concepciones y prácticas del profesorado de economía en los institutos andaluces a partir de las respuestas de 60 de ellos a un cuestionario. Tras describir las concepciones y prácticas manifestadas por los encuestados y analizar las dificultades derivadas de la muestra empleada, aplicamos una metodología multinomial ordenada logit para determinar las variables más influyentes sobre sus procesos de toma de decisiones respecto al grado de uso del libro de texto, el material curricular más habitualmente empleado. El trabajo caracteriza un posible discurso dual entre concepciones y prácticas y también concluye que el enfoque metodológico cuantitativo propuesto permite obtener resultados coherentes con el marco teórico existente, contribuye a la triangulación de los procesos de investigación didáctica sobre materiales curriculares y es extrapolable a otros estudiosThe presence of economics in secondary education requires the definition of a specific didactic approach in order to support the initial and continuous training of its teachers. This paper makes a contribution to this task by analyzing beliefs and practices at the high schools of Andalusia, using 60 responses to a questionnaire aimed at these professionals. After describing the conceptions expressed by respondents and analyzing the difficulties arising from the sample used, an ordered multinomial logit methodology is applied to determine the most influential variables on their decision-making processes regarding the extent of use of the textbook, which is the most usually employed curriculum material. The article discusses a possible dual discourse between beliefs and practices and concludes that the quantitative methodological approach proposed allows us to obtain results that are consistent with the existing theoretical framework, contribute to the triangulation of research on educational processes and curriculum materials, and could be extended to other studies

    Effects of cardiorespiratory exercise on cognition in older women exposed to air pollution

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    The aim was to analyze the effects of cardiorespiratory exercise and air pollution on cognition and cardiovascular markers in four groups of older women: the active/clean air group (AC), the active/polluted air group (AP), the sedentary/clean air group (SC), and the sedentary/polluted air group (SP). Active groups performed a training task based on progressive walking. Prior to and after the experiment, the following parameters were assessed: cognition, by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), estimated by the Six-Minute Walk Test (6mWT); heart rate (HR); and oxygen saturation (SpO2). There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between the AC and the SP in all the MMSE dimensions except “Registration”, and in all the physiological variables (VO2max, SpO2, HR). Aerobic exercise may be a protective factor against the effects that pollution have on cognition and on the mechanisms of oxygen transport

    The conception and role of interdisciplinarity in the Spanish education system

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    This article provides an overview of the role that interdisciplinarity plays in the Spanish education system. With this aim, we first describe the main conception of the term interdisciplinarity in texts written in Spanish, including other terms that have similar meaning. Then we review the role of interdisciplinarity in the Spanish curriculum at different levels of education, focusing fundamentally on compulsory education. This serves as the basis from which later to analyze Spanish research on interdisciplinarity. Finally, through results of this research and some examples of interdisciplinary school practices, we extract conclusions about the role of interdisciplinarity in teaching practices in the classroom

    Seasonal variations in essential oil of aerial parts and roots of an Artemisia absinthium L. population from a Spanish area with supramediterranean climate (Teruel, Spain)

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    [EN] The seasonal variation of essential oil composition of aerial parts and roots of Artemisia absinthium L. has been investigated. It was obtained from individuals growing wild in Teruel (Spain) by means of hydrodistillation (aerial parts) or simultaneous distillation extraction (roots), and analyzed by GC/MS and GC/FID. Results showed a predominance of oxygenated monoterpenes (81.4-89.1%) in aerial parts; mainly (Z)-epoxyocimene (49.3-71.5%), (Z)-chrysanthemyl acetate (7.6-18%) and linalool (0.7-10.4%). In spite of the high intrapopulational variability, significant variations were observed for these three compounds. Root essential oil composition showed a high amount of hydrocarbon monoterpenes (43.8-55.1%) and monoterpenic esters (36.6-41.5%) with a noticeable seasonal stability except for some allelopathic oxygenated monoterpenes. As A. absinthium is a typical invasive species, knowing the seasonal variations of these compounds may be a first step to study their release in soil as a source for natural herbicides.Llorens Molina, JA.; Vacas González, S. (2015). Seasonal variations in essential oil of aerial parts and roots of an Artemisia absinthium L. population from a Spanish area with supramediterranean climate (Teruel, Spain). Journal of Essential Oil Research. 27(5):395-405. doi:10.1080/10412905.2015.1043400S395405275Ariño, A., Arberas, I., Renobales, G., Arriaga, S., & Dominguez, J. B. (1999). Essential Oil ofArtemisia absinthiumL. from the Spanish Pyrenees. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 11(2), 182-184. doi:10.1080/10412905.1999.9701105Abad, M. J., Bedoya, L. M., Apaza, L., & Bermejo, P. (2012). The Artemisia L. Genus: A Review of Bioactive Essential Oils. Molecules, 17(3), 2542-2566. doi:10.3390/molecules17032542Blagojević, P., Radulović, N., Palić, R., & Stojanović, G. (2006). 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